Thursday, February 19, 2009

Super Cute Baby Toddler Monkey Halloween Costume Brown Romper Infant Outfit

Infant Monkey See, Monkey Do Costume

This Item Includes Romper with Nonskid Soles; Headpiece!


Whether you like it or not, the holidays are coming. You may be thinking that you still have tons of time to prepare but like an old pair of pantyhose, the holidays tend to creep up. So how can you make sure that you stay more festive and less frustrated this holiday season?

Schedule all that you have to do.

Print out a calendar for November and December. Colour code all the stuff you have to do from now until the new year. Have one colour for your children's commitments such as recitals, classes and special events. Pick another colour for all the parties that you're invited to or other obligations that you have. If you're entertaining, create a work back schedule for all the things you have to do to prepare. These things include shopping for groceries and decorations, preparing the house and anything else you need to do to get ready. When you see all of your obligations laid out in front of you, assigned to different days, and colour coded, it's less overwhelming. Don't forget to schedule in some time for family and relaxation. The holidays are meant for you to slow down, enjoy your family and create lasting memories.

Drop the Susie Homemaker act.

Let's be honest. Some of us just aren't wired to prepare a perfect meal, immaculately decorate the table or entertain a houseful of guests. Figure out what your forte is and drop the things that stress you out. I'd rather eat really delicious catered food than a home cooked meal that tastes like your kids Play Dough Surprise. If you are a big fan of Martha Stewart and are in your element when the holidays roll around, enjoy this time. And then help the other mothers (like me) who really need your expertise. Set up a barter system. You can bake her desserts while she picks up your kids from school.

Set a budget.

Decide how much you want to spend on presents and stick to it. Creating a present list before you head out to the mall will make this process much easier too. Find creative ways to exchange gifts that won't break the bank. Maybe this year, you exchange your gifts the day after Boxing Day so you can take advantage of all the great deals. Or maybe everyone makes something instead of buying it. A little sentiment goes a lot farther than this year's fad item. Don't base the importance of the gift on the price tag. Sometimes the most meaningful present is the one that costs the least.

Start preparing now.

If you haven't already bought your gifts, go now. The malls are still relatively empty and you have time to think about the perfect gift. Or better yet, shop online. Most companies will offer free shipping when you spend a certain amount. Are you entertaining at your place? Decide the menu now. If you're cooking and baking yourself, plan what you're going to make and start making the lists. If you're having your meal catered, do the research, contact the company and start discussing the details. If it's too early for them, they'll let you know when to call back. Buy all the decorations and keep them in a place you're going to remember. If you are invited to parties, stock up on gifts like bottles of wine, chocolates or scented candles to bring to the hostess.

The most important thing to do to ensure that you have a fun, stress free holiday season is to do what feels right for you and your family. Only say yes to the parties you really want to go to. Only agree to entertain at your house if you really want to. Make this year's holiday season a time filled with joy, love and laughter.

Carly Cooper is a CTA Certified Life Coach for moms. She specializes in working with moms who are ready to be honest about their challenges with motherhood. She inspires them to move forward and become the best moms they can be. To receive Carly's FREE Special Report called "105 simple ways to attract inner balance, better relationships and work that you love", visit her website at

You can also sign up for her FREE Balance the Mother Load Blog at

halloween ideas

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